Learn Why End of Year is the Best Time to Get Started with CBC

With all of our years of experience, one thing that we have learned is the power of the last quarter of the year and what it can mean for your business. Imagine setting up a program with CBC (CITTA Brokerage) that will add to your bottom line at the end of the year significantly, or that creates a huge jump start to the first quarter revenues of your next year. Curious how you can add significant revenue to your companies bottom line? Well, if you fall into one or more of the following categories, you just might be the office hero (go you!):
1. You have already had a drawback program prior but don't use it anymore or don't think it is being maximized. This significantly reduces the amount of time it takes for us to submit to Customs on your behalf upfront. That means that we could initiate a program, get submitted, get the work done and start seeing revenues pile in before the year ends.
2. You qualify for our Classification program as well as other programs we offer. In rare cases, we will implement a Classification program before submitting and beginning our Duty Drawback program. This is because not only do you qualify (meaning there is money owed to you just sitting there - crazy right?), but the revenue recovery is typically quick once our program has begun. This means that you can again, see refunds pile in before the end of the year or at the start of the next.
3. You just have an awesome office; quick to get back with us, quick to send documents and quick to get everything done and in line up front with the team we specifically assign to your business. The quickness is an absolute must when it comes to ensuring fast and accurate revenue recovery turnaround. We can cut off nearly 30-60% of the time it takes to receive refunds based on the willingness and quickness of the client to work with CBC up front to set up and automate your process as quickly and effectively as possible. And just in case you were wondering, once the program is established on our end, you just sit back, let us do the dirty work and go on with your business; which is exactly what you should expect from CBC.
Does this quick turnaround mean that your documents won't be accurate? Absolutely not. Like we mentioned, we have been doing this for over 34 years. We won't risk that long track record just for a quick buck. So in other words, when we begin a program, Customs compliance is our number one most important golden rule, beside obviously making our clients happy, loyal and of course... financially healthy.
Think your business fits the bill? Send us an email, or give us a call at 801.479.7873. We'd love to get started and wow you with our ability to dramatically increase your revenue based off our knowledge and skill.
See you there.