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The Best Procedures to Follow to Claim Duty Drawback

Claim Duty Drawback

Duty Drawback is related to the refund of the duties or the taxes that are paid on the imported merchandise after the qualified goods are exported or in any case, the consignee has to destroy them. The refund amount is equal to 99% of the duties, fees or taxes paid by the importers or the consignee. The refund is made if the goods have entered 3 years prior in the United States.

The Drawback program helps the importers in recovering or eliminating unnecessary fee, duties or taxes that are levied on the merchandise imported in the U.S. According to an estimate, the U.S. Government has to pay nearly $2 billion to the eligible importers or the business houses. However, the parties have to follow the right Duty Drawback process to avail this claim.

Organizing Proper Documents

The consignee parties need to submit appropriate documents under the Duty Drawback process. They have to submit separate documents for both imports and the exports. It is necessary to keep these documents organized. If the parties are unaware of the present rules of the custom department, then they can get the services from experienced brokers.

Here are the documents required while the person has made imports.

  • Commercial Invoice

  • CF 7501 that is the Entry Summary

  • Certificate of the Delivery document or CF 7552 that carries the import transactions in lieu of CF 7501

In case of export, the documents needed are:

  • Bill of Lading

  • Commercial Invoice

  • The Export waiver whereby the exporter waives the right to claim the duty drawback and transfer the right to the importer or the consignee

Places to File Duty Drawback Claim

The Customs Department of the US does not accept the claim filed at any US port. It accepts and processes the drawback claim carried out at Houston, San Francisco, Chicago and Newark/ New York.

Using the Latest Online Technology

For filing the claim under the Duty Drawback Process, the consignee or the broker hired by the parties can file the Drawback claim electronically. This can be done with the help of ABI or the Automated Broker Interface. If the claimant files the claim through the ABI, then the U.S. Customs department will process them quickly.

Time Frame to File the Drawback Claim

It is important to look forward to the time frame under which the parties must settle the claim. For the unused and rejected goods, the consignee must file a claim within the three-year time with the U.S. Customs department. The manufactured goods fall into two categories, firstly, the direct identification goods that are not used prior to destruction or export in the United States.

In this, the parties must file the claim within the 5 years time. The second is the substitution manufactured goods that are interchangeable whereby the importer must manufacture the goods within 3 years and exports them within five years time from the date of importing those goods.

To sum up, the importer or the consignee whosoever is having the possession of the goods must follow the necessary steps under the Duty Drawback process. In case, they are unaware, then parties can take the services of popular brokerage company as CITTA Brokerage. One can reach out to their experienced brokers through

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